AML Public Facility Projects

The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), Section 411 was added to implement Public Facility Projects (PFP) and as amended in 2006, authorizes the Program to use the Navajo Abandoned Mine Reclamation Funds for PFP's.  The Navajo AML Program now has the responsibility to manage PFP's as authorized in SMCRA and the Navajo Reclamation Code and Plan.

Applicants may request up to $400,000 of PFP grant funds for Navajo communities directly impacted by present and past coal or other mineral mining activities on the Navajo Nation.

The project grant funds are competitive awards for innovative, community-based projects with leverage funds for CONSTRUCTION of public facility projects to benefit the community.  Eligible applicants include Chapters, Navajo Nation Departments, and entities with a supporting chapter resolution.

Interactive Web Map

The map below shows the Navajo Nation and Chapter boundaries (brown lines) and PFP locations.  Purple symbols show PFP building projects, black symbols show PFP power projects, green squares show PFP infrastructure projects, blue dots show PFP water projects, and gray dots show transportation projects.  Click on the map to start an interactive map viewer of the PFPs.  This map shows PFP areas when zoomed in.  Clicking on a PFP will show a table with a link to a PFP factsheet.

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Year 2002
Project Name State PFP Funds
1. San Juan Multi-Purpose Facility NM $300,000.00
2. Black Mesa Power Line Extension AZ $297,031.48
3. Coppermine Power Line Extension AZ $60,139.73
4.Coalmine Multi-Purpose Facility AZ $300,000.00
5.Twin Lakes Sr. Center Power, Water, Sewer Line Ext NM $214,730.80
6. Beclabito Head Start Phase 1 NM $200,000.00
7. Fort Defiance Power Line Extension AZ $189,530.09
8. Monument Valley Arts & Crafts Mall UT $300,000.00
9. Rough Rock Senior Center AZ $300,000.00
10. Navajo Parks & Rec. Upper Antelope Canyon Access Rd. AZ $129,000.00
11. Aneth Water Well UT $300,000.00
12. Lake Valley Senior Center NM $300,000.00
13. Oljato Senior Center UT $295,000.00
14. Coalmine Water Line Extension AZ $101,400.00
15. Tachee/Blue Gap Senior Center AZ $300,000.00
16. Cove Senior Center AZ $300,000.00
17. Canoncito Band of Navajo's Behavioral Health Clinic NM $300,000.00
18. Denehotso Cane Valley Community Water System UT $129,000.00
TOTAL $4,315,832.10


Year 2003
Project Name State PFP Funds
1. Chinle Valley School, Inc. 3 Group Homes/Dorm Renov AZ $300,000.00
2. Standing Rock Chapter Renovation/Parking Lot  NM $140,000.00
3. Tuba City Monave Power Line Extension AZ $9,480.00
4. Cameron Dzil Li Bei Elementary Water Project AZ $299,700.00
5. White Cone Multi-Purpose Center, Phase II  AZ $300,000.00
6. Huefano Multi-Purpose Center NM $150,000.00
TOTAL $1,199,180.00


Year 2004
Project Name State PFP Funds
1. Shonto Industrial Park Infrastructure AZ $300,000.00
2. Hogback Shiprock Veterans Office Building NM $300,000.00
3. Shiprock M/P, Infrastructure Development, Phase III NM $300,000.00
4. Crownpoint Office of Dine Youth Recreation Facility NM $22,919.00
5. Upper Fruitland Chapter House Facility Project  NM  $300,000.00
6. Dilkon Sewage Lagoon Expansion, Phase II AZ  $107,590.00
TOTAL $1,329,600.00


Year 2005
Project Name State PFP Funds
Bodaway/Gap Hardy Power Line Extension AZ 113,000.00
Bread Springs Water Well NM 300,000.00
Nenahnzad Navajo Preparatory School, Phase II NM 300,000.00
TOTAL 713,000.00


Year 2007


Project Name State PFP Funds
Luepp Chapter, Chapter Renovation AZ 300,000.00
Lupton Chapter, Multi-Purpose Facility AZ 300,000.00
TOTAL 600,000.00


Year 2008
Project Name State PFP Funds
Chilchinbeto Chapter, Commercial & Light Industrial Tract Development AZ 300,000.00
Sheep Springs Chapter, Visitor Center Parking Lot/Street Project NM 300,000.00
Smith Lake Chapter, Veteran's Hall NM 300,000.00
Dennehotso Chapter, Multi-Purpose Facility AZ 300,000.00
Torreon/Star Lake Chapter, Senior Citizen Center NM 300,000.00
Thoreau Chapter, Dental Clinic NM 300,000.00
Hard Rock Chapter, Multi-Purpose Center AZ 300,000.00
White Horse Lake Chapter, Cutter Lateral Project NM 300,000.00
TOTAL 2,400,000.00


Year 2009
Project Name State PFP Funds
Naschitti Chapter, Blue Rock Phase I Power Line Extension NM 300,000.00
Teec Nos Pos Chapter, Phase III Benally/Redhouse Power Line Extension NM 300,000.00
Pueblo Pintado Chapter, Cutter Lateral Phase II and VI Water Line NM 300,000.00
Mariano Lake Chapter, Water System Improvement NM 300,000.00
Ojo Encino Chapter, Cutter Lateral Phase II and III Water Line NM 300,000.00
Tiis Tsoh Sikaad Chapter, Veterans Memorial MPC NM 300,000.00
Kayenta/Oljato Chapter, Halchita, Water Treatment Plant Improvement AZ 272,000.00
Teesto Chapter, Senior Center Project AZ 300,000.00
Coyote Canyon Chapter, Chapter Renovation Project NM 300,000.00
Steamboat Chapter, Phase II Power Line Extension Project AZ 300,000.00
Tsaile/Wheatfields Chapter, Head Start Building Rehabiltation Project AZ 300,000.00
TOTAL   3,272,000.00


Year 2010
Project Name State PFP Funds
Church Rock Chapter, Powerline Extension NM 300,000.00
Forest Lake Chapter (BMRD) Powerline Extension AZ 300,000.00
Newcomb Chapter, Senior Center Expansion NM 300,000.00
Tselani/Cottonwood Chapter, Powerline Extension Project AZ 300,000.00
Whiterock Chapter Powerline Extension, Phase III NM 300,000.00
Two Grey Hills Chapter, Parlking Lot and Van Shelter Project NM 300,000.00
Tse'Al Naoz T'I'I  (Sanostee) Chapter, Powerline Upgrade Project NM 300,000.00
Red Valley Chapter, Powerline Upgrade Phase III AZ 300,000.00
Mexican Water Chapter, New Chapter House UT 300,000.00
Tolikan Chapter (Sweetwater), Powerline Extension Upgrade NM 300,000.00
Gadii'ahi (cudei) Chapter, Home for Women and Children Project NM 300,000.00
Nageezi Chapter, Multi-Use Administration Building NM 300,000.00
TOTAL 3,600,000.00


Year 2011
Project Name State PFP Funds
Round Rock Chapter, Parking lot Chip Sealing AZ 300,000.00
Ts'ah Bii Kin Chapter, Housewiring AZ 300,000.00
Red Mesa Chapter, Administration Building AZ 300,000.00
Black Mesa Chapter, Water Supply & Waste Disposal Facilities AZ 400,000.00
Crystal Chapter, New MP Facility NM 400,000.00
Tsaile/Wheatfields Chapter, New Sr Cntr AZ 300,000.00
To'Nanees'Dizi Chapter, PL Ext. AZ 400,000.00
TOTAL 2,400,000.00


Year 2012
Project Name State PFP Funds
White Horse Lake, W/L Ext. NM 400,000.00
Many Farms Chptr, Parking Lot AZ 400,000.00
Western RBDO, Infrastructure Dev. AZ 400,000.00
Pueblo Pintado Chptr, Cutter Latteral NM 400,000.00
Upper Fruitland Chptr, Sr.Cntr NM 400,000.00
Shonto Community Gov, HW NM 400,000.00
TOTAL 2,400,000.00


Year 2013
Project Name State PFP Funds
Wide Ruins Chapter, PL Ext. AZ 180,000.00
TeecNosPos Chapter, WL Ext.-BA  AZ 234,000.00
Leupp Chapter, Parking Lot/Paving AZ 400,000.00
LeChee Chapter, PL Ext AZ 400,000.00
Mexican Water Chapter, Senior Center AZ 400,000.00
Ganado Chapter, PL Ext. AZ 400,000.00
ToNaneesDizi Chapter, PL Ext. AZ 400,000.00
TseSiAni Chapter, WL Exten. AZ 400,000.00
Steamboat Chapter, PL Exten. AZ 400,000.00
Tonalea Chapter, PL Exten. AZ 400,000.00
Tachee/Blue Gap Chpater, Road Imp. AZ 400,000.00
Cameron Chapter, Infrast/Site Dev. AZ 400,000.00
TOTAL   4,414,000.00


Year 2014
Project Name State PFP Funds
Smith Lake Chapter, Water Well NM


Tselani/Cottonwood Chapter, Water Line Ext. AZ 400,000.00
To'hajiilee Chapter, New EMS Building NM 400,000.00
Indian Wells Chapter, Indian Wells 2 Preschool CR AZ 400,000.00
TiisTsohSikaad Chapter, P1 Plaza/PII Foundation  (GY'2014 funds) NM 400,000.00
Red Lake Chapter, New Little Folks Daycare MP NM 400,000.00
Crownpoint Chapter, Recreational Facility NM 400,000.00
TOTAL 2,800,000.00


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